Our Engineering Consultants
Engineering services for our clients range from long-range capital improvements planning, design, Plans and Specifications for rehabilitation and/or replacement of existing system components, monitoring flows, loading, or usage as compared to capacity and reserve capacity, assistance with efficient and effective operation and maintenance, compliance with permits and standards and oversight of proposed developments.

Water Systems
We service source development, water storage, water treatment plants and distribution.
Among these include: surface and groundwater supplies, raw water reservoirs, disinfection, pipe network analysis, capacity analysis, watershed protection, among others.

Wastewater Systems
Servicing collection systems, sewage lift stations, treatment plants and biosolids management.
These include: inflow/infiltration assessment, preliminary engineering report, 201 wastewater facilities management planning, letter of intent and more.

Contract Administration & Resident Inspection
Under administration and inspection includes: contract documents, right-of-way permitting, submittals review, change orders/field orders, coordinations with project engineer and testing agencies.

Other Services
Other services include irrigation systems, hydraulic design, flood studies, storm drainage and streets & roadways.
These breakdown to include: on-farm systems, pump stations, rainfall/runoff analysis, hydrology, alignment and grade.